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Attention: You have choose too many or too large images. There is a good chance we cannot upload all selected pictures at once. If you get an error message please check which pictures have been uploaded and retry the rest. Also note that uploading 20 MB will take up to 10 minutes - even with a fast DSL connection.';} } window.setTimeout("hpm_upload_refresh_progress()",600);*/ }else{window.setTimeout("hpm_upload_refresh_progress()",600);} } } function getHeightMargin(){ if(window.innerHeight){ h = window.innerHeight; b = (h - (h*0.2)) } else if(document.body || navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'){ h = document.body.clientHeight b = (h -(h*0.3)) } else { h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; b = (h - (h*0.2)) } return parseInt(b); } function miranus_getFormFields(formName) { /* Alle Formularfelder im Formular formName in ein Javascript Array holen */ var val = new Array(); var el = document.forms[formName].elements; for(i=0;i 0 ? 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