#1.1 Punjabi Songs is aimed at a general audience. This means our site is designed for 13 year olds and older. Everything must be aimed at this age and older. Explicit, vulgar language, drug talk, nudity, porn and so forth is not allowed.
#1.2 Do not mini-mod. We would like to encourage and thank members to use the report button but not add their own criticism. Impersonating a staff member is a serious offense and may lead to a permanent ban.
#1.3 All publicly displayed messages are only limited to Punjabi, English and Hindi. This includes posts, titles, signatures, profiles and other forms of public display.
Warning and Infraction System
#2.1 Members who disobey the rules will be warned or banned depending on what the moderator believes is the appropriate punishment.
#2.2 Members can be warned and infractioned a maximum of two times consequently. On the third, the member will be immediately banned. This does not mean that you have to have a warning to get banned, moderators may ban you without warnings depending on the offense.
#2.3 Warning and Infraction can have a time bomb unless you're banned. If a time bomb is set, your warning will automatically expire after a certain number of days.
If you believe you do not deserve the warn please contact the moderator who warned you. Talking back to the moderator who gave you the warning with no sense of respect will lead to further warnings. You can also write an email to admin with your username and email address used while registering.
If you do not know why you received a warning, an email and private message would have been sent to notify you of the reason why you were warned and who warned you.
Posting manners
#3.1 All topics must contain a description.
#3.2 Treat others positively and with respect. Flaming other members or other forums will lead to a warning, possibly even a ban.
#3.3 Topics must be submitted to the relevant forums. Please read the forum descriptions before posting.
#3.4 Topic titles must have an appropriate description.
Example: An example for a good description is "Help needed with game". An example for a wrong description is "HEEEEELP!". #3.5 Bumping is allowed provided that the reply has relevant information that is useful to the continuance of the topic. Short intervals of bumps are not allowed to bump the topic up onto the first page by the same person.
Example: Allowed: A topic discusses a news event. The topic's discussion has died but there is new striking evidence to turn thoughts around. A reply with such information that is relevant and useful is allowed. Allowed: Requests (Includes requests in helpdesk) may only be bumped once every 48 hours since the last reply. Disallowed: Bumping topics continuously to get them up to the first few pages. This includes using additional accounts (either your own or others) to do so.
#3.6 Double posting of the same links (also called dupe) may lead to a warning, especially if you have your own independent topic for a set of links and yet still post the same links in related topics with the intention of gaining exposure.
#3.7 It is generally forbidden to double post on the board. It means that you are not allowed to reply twice in a row in any topic. Use the edit button when altering your reply if you're the last to post in the topic. Exceptions may be found at #3.20.
#3.8 Images should be hosted on public image hosting websites like ImageShack, TinyPic and Photobucket. Hosting Images at Punjabi Songs is currently allowed because of lack of awareness of Image Hosting Sites and this simple method is for beginners only. Advanced members are requested to use Image Hosting websites.
#3.9 Content of posts should not be explicit, offensive, shocking, discussions of demerit commodities unless it is posted in an educational sense. Disallowed: Hacking, fraud, drug related, porn.
#3.10 All links must not be coded or quoted, however users should use quote tags for links as they get highlighted.
#3.11 No topic hijacking (going off topic).
#3.12 You must add tags within the Music forums and their sub forums. Tags in other forums are optional.
#3.13 Post count milestones may be posted only in the Wishes section in increments of 1000 up to 5000 and then at 10K - 15K - 20K and so on. Report count milestones may also be posted starting from 5K and then by increments of 5000 - e.g. 10K, 15K, 20K and so on.
#3.14 Removal of moderated messages is not allowed.
#3.15 Posting serial numbers or license keys in messages is not allowed.
#3.16 The use of unusual presentation methods within topic titles and descriptions with the intent to gain attention is not allowed.
Examples and exceptions:
Not allowed: Words/phrases such as but not limited to: **** MUST HAVE****, L@@K, LATEST, NEWEST, LOOK HERE, *Newest Version* , By XXXXX or other words along these lines including symbols.
Allowed: Scene release title created by the release group may include caps and periods. Use of hyphen between words such as music titles.
#3.17 Posting mirror links in a topic is allowed. Members who wish to share should NOT start their own topic
#3.18 Excessively replying to your own topics to gain first page exposure is not allowed. Replies such as: 'You're welcome', 'no problem', 'thanks for replies', 'fresh links' or similar are only allowed a maximum of thrice per page.
#3.19 Members are allowed to make a huge thread with an index on first post only if all the download links are posted in the same thread as posts/replies.
#3.20 When their previous post has exceeded the maximum characters limit, or if they have relevant content to add to their topic 24 hours after the previous reply was made, members are allowed to double or triple post.
#3.21 Trades of any kind and selling are two things that are not allowed here. To break it down in simple terms, it's considered a trade any time the situation is "If you do this, I'll do that" and selling is offering a product, service, etc. for money. The staff do not appreciate members trying to get around these rules, so please avoid attempting to do so.
#3.22 Posting games hacks & cheats is allowed as long as they only affect the offline side of the game.
Spam Rules
#4.1 You must not promote your own website in forum posts.
#4.2 If you choose to post a link it should benefit everyone and must not be a site similar to Punjabi Songs
#4.3 Passwords that advertise other sites are NOT allowed.
#4.4 Excessive posting of similar messages to increase post count is not allowed.
#4.5 You may not have links advertising other websites within your signature.
#4.6 The following one-liner messages are classified as spam where Off-Topic Talks are not
Allowed Any acronym such as lol. The use of +1...+X within posts. The use of an emote only reply (such as :)). These are only guidelines not strictly limited to just these examples.
Private Messaging
#5.1 All rules apply in regard to private messaging.
#5.2 It is the responsibility of each member to check their private messages when online, as certain private messages from staff members may require prompt answers. Members who ignore these messages from staff may be warned, locked or banned, depending on the situation.
Avatars and Signatures
#6.1 All rules apply to avatars and signatures.
#6.2 The total maximum dimensions for all images in a signature is 200px (width) by 200px (height) horizontally only.
#6.3 Signatures can only be 100KB or less in total file size.
Other Guidelines
#7.1 Sticky Requests: Please do not request a post to be stickied. If there is room to sticky an exceptional post, we will do so; however, there is only room for ten stickies per forum. Threads which use a poll to petition a sticky are not allowed.
#7.2 To have your username changed please PM Admins instead of Moderators and Global Mods.
#7.3 Asking any staff member if you can be a part of the staff will hinder your chance of ever becoming one. The same applies for VIP as well.
#7.4 All forum rules apply to each member's profile, no referrers, no porn links, and no warez forums.
#7.5 All forum rules apply to every image posted in messages, signatures, avatars and PM's. Images should not contain URL's of websites (or any advertisement of another warez site, URL or not). However no infraction 'll be given if you post images that contain link to another website.
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